Saturday, February 10, 2007

Nurse Sharks verses Reef Sharks

Can you tell the difference from these two sharks?
The Nurse Shark has two dorsal fins fairly close together. Equal in size and situated near the rear of the body. They are faound in and around reefs from shallow water to approximately 115 feet. Nurse sharks are not known to attack divers unless provoked.
Reef Sharks, on the other hand have a sleek body with two dorsal fins, the one forward is larger than the one closer to the tail. It is also found in and around reefs from shallow water to approximately 215 feet deep. They are often cruising alone or in groups. Although appears to be shy is considered dangerous.
The Reef Shark is the picture out of focus. He was swimming in sixty feet of water, although Ted at the time of the picture was down 20 feet. Remember, Ted was snorkelling and most snorkellers wouldn't dive to twenty feet.....but we are talking Ted here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.