Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas is Just Around the Corner

Ted and I, with our upper decks a shining and stockings hung with care, wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas. It definitely will be a different Christmas as we battle the no-see-ums.

Today, Ted met an old aquaintance. The not so Tall Ship Royaliste (Rosborough 50 Bark) from his last tour on the Terra Nova in '96. New owners are Cathy and Gary, cocker spaniel May and two parrots. This old girl has quite the history behind her.

1 comment:

Xcelsior said...

Thanks Ken, Judy and family
all the best to you and yours. As we will be spending our Christmas Dinner (pot luck) with a number of cruisers, (we have not yet met)here in Brunswick, GA just 15 minutes by car to Florida border, however, 5 - 7 hours by water.

Take care, Merry Christmas and so I don't forget....Happy early Birthday