Topaz the sleeping crew member.....
About five years ago, Topaz our chubby tabby cat, was introduced to the sailing life. Two seconds within coming on board, she flashes forward to the V berth and manages to squeeze her body down the anchor chain hole. I swear this hole isn’t one inch wide. Meow….Meow comes out from under the fresh water tank. No room to turn around, she’s unable to get out of the prediciment she found herself in.
Basically I said to Ted “we have got to get her out of there….I don’t care if we have to cut the bow in half”. We drain the fresh water tank, so Ted can unbolt it and budge the tank in order for her to move out from under it. Through all the noise she continues Meow….I literally thought I killed her. It wasn’t long now before the PURR comes back.
Didn’t take long though for her to get cozy and comfortable on the way to Bras D’or Lakes, tucked up under the dodger. Entertainment continues as she hops from boat to boat….We found ourselves having to get her a strobe light so we’d know where she’s at. With no street lights, only the stars (which believe me can be pretty breathe taking) every now and than you'd can see a movement of a white chest and sometimes catch a glimpes of her eyes. She's like clock work…8 p.m. on the nose Topaz will come to life on deck, almost like a child saying "look ma...no hands" as she leaps from boat to boat looking in all the windows as she passes.
Topaz, didn’t get away without preparations. Besides her annual vet check ups and immunizations, she was fitted with a life jacket. This lifejacket is made of diving wetsuit material, neoprene rubber. It fits right around her chubby body, protecting her vital organs from the cold waters. With a loop on the back, this allows us to retrieve her with the boat hook. Ted is also going to make her a life ring for us to throw from the boat, in order for her to pull herself up, out of the water. It’s not her favorite piece of wardrobe…when jacket is placed on her she’ll fall stiffly sideways with all four limbs out, and lthe look of total discuss. It’s a hoot to watch this performance. Because Topaz gets stressed out with this device, in most cases we only have her harness on.
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