Sunday, June 25, 2006

Who said you can’t teach an old cat new trick’s??

There isn’t a whole lot of space down below in the boat. Oh so often, Ted and I have to do the odd dance or shuffle, just to pass each other. Therefore, a litter box (to constantly trip over) is out of the question!! Only solution, is to toilet train Topaz. I had no doubt that this couldn’t be accomplished.

I’m extremely fortunate, as our feline is very good natured. She’s been tortured with constant change of litter over the years. We tried crystals, various chump types and finally settled for the Swheat Scoop (Wheat). This trailed less, as well, is environmental friendly and healthier for her (when digested while cleaning). Topaz, sat through four fittings, for her custom made life jacket.

The first step: purchased a plastic bowl that would fit inside our bowl. Trim the rim just a touch, to allow the toilet seat to sit right.
Second step: added a small amount of cat litter to the plastic container
Third step: introduced her to the toilet by standing her on the seat at every opportunity
Fourth step: as Topaz had nothing other than the litter in the toilet bowl, she clued in within hours that this was expected of her
Fifth step: slowly decrease litter
Sixth step: eliminate the litter and cut a hole in the bottom of the plastic container

At present we have not gotten to step six. I’m sure it won’t be long. In other words, we will soon run out of litter and I have no intentions of getting anymore.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Yes We Are Back in Dartmouth

We have slowly and carefully traced and removed and replaced each and every fuel line back to the tank then by passed the tank altogether and the engine ran fine for three hours under load ( meaning prop turning under normal RPM's 2500 ) didn't miss a beat. After diving deep under the cockpit and remove the fuel tank I found that the manufacturer had in fact installed a screen in the fuel pickup tube that was clogged with about two inches of MBG that would not allow fuel to pass through the fuel lines. ( Micro Biological Growth) Un fortunatly I destroyed the tank removing the pickup tube to find out the reason for us being 2000 miles and more than a month behind our planned voyage. We will be heading out in mid August for the Ditch and doing the coastal thing. We will show some pictures soon when we install the new fuel tank and make ready to head south again.